
A mobile app to bridge a gap in patient care

Discharge instructions are still a computer printout and photocopied pages. What if they were a mobile app?

Order sets, or checklists for doctors to follow when treating various conditions or diseases, are an accepted standard of care and are a major component of electronic health records (EHR or EMR). The content for these order sets was the lynchpin of Zynx Healthcare’s business.

The missing link in the continuum of care has always been patient engagement; ensuring the patient was following discharge instructions and taking initiative to follow up.

At one point Zynx was considering the possibility of entering the patient engagement space. I developed this quick concept to encourage discussion around a mobile solution. It was the product of researching patient engagement regulations and interviewing SMEs at Zynx.

They never went ahead with this product. It’s amazing that six years later, I don’t believe anyone is really taking up this market.

Image: Unsplash, Daria Nepriakhina