
Investor ISO investee

When you have two apps targeting two ends of a process, how do you break them out of their silos and showcase a formidable AI platform?

For a three-month project to redesign and integrate two SaaS applications targeting the investment community, Cyndx had a built-in edge: they had a sister company that was an investment firm. So the investment managers there had extensive knowledge fo their own workflows.

The two applications were aimed at the opposite ends of the investment process. One, Raiser, was designed for companies to find investors interested in their sector. The other, Finder, was for investors to find appropriate funding opportunities.

The applications had similar functionality but different flows and designs. Could they be united into a single app with options for each user to allow faster development and a more cohesive market presence?

Both applications began with search. From there, sophisticated AI algorithms matched terms and metaphors (e.g., “Uber for mortuary services”) as well as similarities to deliver targeted results for further research.

So I began with a unified search interface that toggled for the different users.

Search for companies for an investor
Sophisticated type-ahead to find the exact company if desired
Investors could parameterize their search for investment opportunities.

From there a list of companies or investors was delivered. The lists needed to deliver relevant top-level information while making it easy to drill down to the details on deals, industries, companies and investors.

A list of companies for investors to research
A list of investors interested in companies of your type
The user could drill down on an investor to see exactly where they are putting their money.
Investors could adjust their search parameters on the fly.
Investors could also modify the list so they could save a more targeted list.
The Cyndx system consolidates metrics for investment targets.
Saved, curated lists could be shared with colleagues.

The lists represented only the first level of a wealth of data for each company or investor. Sophisticated spidering delivered millions of data points on a regular basis that were honed and confirmed by AI to deliver quality results. All of this information was also available in detail pages for industries, companies and investors.

An industry detail page
Detail pages also exist for specific deals to give context to funding preferences and strategies.
Investors can access a wealth of information about the companies they’re interested in.

Image: Unsplash, Annie Spratt